Thursday, June 23, 2011

Running Thoughts and... Randomness?

Do I want to go to the ADD type nature of tumblr with it's awesome lack of vowels and plenty of splashy pictures?  I feel like it'd be much more greatly entertaining for all probably 5 of you that read this HAH.  I will debates this.

This year in my running group, I'm trying out this atp-lite program which is once a week that is suppose to make us faster/stronger/yada.

Phase 1 wasn't too bad since it was basically jog 10 minutes, warm up routine, then 2 x 200 run fast then jog for 30 second. Then some sets of random exercises [squats, crunches, pushups, lunges, yada] and then comfortable jog for 25 mins.

But now we have moved on to phase 2 which is jog 10 minutes, warm up routine, then 2 x 200 run fast then jog for 30 second.  Sprint 400m, do diff # of exercises, repeat sprint + exercises, sprint, then 5 minute cooldown.  They kicked me out of the medium speed pace group I wanted to run with to the fast group so it was like dying.  But dying is how you get better right? :P

Monday, June 6, 2011

Where does time go + black&white cookies

Everyday I wonder what strange loophole time goes to.  I feel it must be the same place as all the lost socks, some parallel dimension never to be seen again.  There are never enough hours to do everything.

I've been trying to line up running event/plans schedule for the year and am still trying to sort that out.  Realized I'm another year older and still just about as confused about everything haha.  Have a slew of side projects I want to do (but never quite enough time).

Sometimes I want to be wildly ambitious and do everything and anything at all times.  But then other times, I get so tired of it all and want to just veg out.  But I seem to have problems finding some happy middle ground between the two.

On a totally unrelated topic, who came up with the idea of black and white cookies?  I brought some back from NY and I'm still undecided on whether I like them or not.  I feel they must have been created due to some person being confused if they wanted a cookie or a cake since they are basically giant cookies with the consistency of cake and some frosting on top.  Poor confused baked good.  People will put you out of your identity crisis by eating you.