Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Already Almost December :(

I wonder if this is a sign that we're old or just getting increasingly forgetful since it's already almost December and I have no idea where all the time slipped away to.  Soon, I'll be back home and can properly squash my cat.  My poor stupid cat who managed to close the door of my bedroom and trap himself in until my sister managed to free him.  Sad loud neurotic cat. 

Slew of upcoming movies that I want to see are:
  • Black Swan: Anything directed by the guy who did Requiem for a Dream can't be bad. And it's a psychological thriller set in ballet with Natalie Portman.  
  • Tron: Vague memories of watching the original a long time ago [was it really 9 years ago in AP CS?] and it's in 3D.
Also ridiculously excited about the mini food processor I bought on Black Friday so now I can make pesto and other sauces much more easily.  It'll be great.

I feel like December will just be tiring overall since stuff will happen all over the place for it. But I guess that's the way I like it. :P  I like being so busy I don't have time to think hah.  And maybe our holiday food experiment will work out if we manage to not be lazy. 

Managed to buy a collection of web comics Grunnerkrigg Court and find it to be really enjoyable.  It is sort of like Harry Potter except it follows this girl through a very British boarding school and there are robots and gods and such.