Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm melting into a pile of goo

It's rather hot in my place currently despite all the fans going and the windows being open.  Which is probably why I'm still procrastinating on baking scones.  Slow as molasses is basically the summary of this week.  There must be some sort of formula where approaching vacation must cause an exponential slowdown of time in general.

Sometimes I think I'm all over the place and don't know what I want.  I'm adult-like now or something like that but it just feels like I'm masquerading hah.  Look at me pretend to be grown up and stuff.  Frightening thought that. 

I am still sad I probably won't run a full marathon this year.  What's going to happen to my attempt to run faaaaast?  There's never enough time for everything.

I guess since I didn't start blogging in time for new year's resolutions, I will just count this as random goals I want to achieve sometime in the foreseeable future before end of the year.
  1. Go to wushu and run consistently again. No more injuries! [I know it's wishful, but this is my rant and I can wish for purple unicorns if I wanted]
  2. Cook new/harder/more interesting things with my giant bag of vegetables
  3. Be better about being social.  Meet up with friends I haven't kept in touch with, make an effort to set up things for the people I do currently see.
  4. Do warrior dash to get my very own fuzzy warrior hat.
  5. Be better about saving instead of letting things vanish into a mystical black hole.

1 comment:

  1. i'm also VERY sad i won't be able to do a marathon this year...but perhaps a fuzzy hat for me as well!
    oh yeah black hole money so true...
